How to overcome ANYTHING


Hi all,

Just a few days ago, one of the readers of my last post about insecurity asked me to talk about the way out, meaning how to overcome insecurity. So, in this post I’m talking about the way out of anything, not only of insecurity.

Hope you enjoy it 🙂

b.t.w you can subscribe to my YouTube channel by clicking the “subscribe” button in the upper left corner. I will start uploading to this channel lots of videos soon which will not be in this blog, because here I do prefer to write.


44 comments on “How to overcome ANYTHING

  1. This can be very helpful to a very large number of people. 🙂 Thanks for your insight.

  2. yomicfit says:

    Thank you for sharing this video.
    It makes it so personal versus always reading to actually hear you speak.
    Also I do agree.
    It’s a battle in your mind that you have to be aware of what you are thinking and say “no” to the negative “lies” that often hold is back from being the whole person we can be.

    That said- I need lots of practice 🙂

  3. Scott Free says:

    Very good video. I write about dealing with grief by using music and art as an outlet, but I really like this process you have talked about. Thanks, I think i’ll give it a try!

  4. Tree_Spirit says:

    Believing in Self is a trait that is most commonly looked at. One has to be able to visualize oneself overcoming an obstacle or adversity before it physically manifests. To pick oneself up from a bad situation is done in the mind first. In a depressing or challenging situation, one has to draw from within oneself and say: “I will not allow this situation to overcome me psychologically.This is what belief in self does.Not only will you overcome anything delieving in self but be the shinning star that we all are and called to be.First and very important lesson to learn.And,surpising a lot don’t know how to believe in themselves nor love themselves.

    I fine the first thing to overcome anything you need love.For Love does overcome all.The second optimism is the key to happiness. I think along with optimism, a goal or plan to feel optimistic about anything is vital. Imagine what you could accomplish if you only thought you could?It starts in the mind.


  5. Dear Ido,
    You continue to inspire me!! You have an incredible talent!!

  6. coltsfankana says:

    Thank you for posting. It is very important to have an awareness over your mind. You have to always be in conscious control over what thought processes are guiding your behaviors. I like that you did a video this time. It changed things up a bit. Keep up the good work!!

  7. Seasick Fist says:

    You’re smile is incredibly infectious. You’re a beautiful person man.

  8. Thank you for the lovely simplicty of your mesage and the gift of your amazing and warm smile!! Cheers!

  9. You said all of that beautifully. You’re right also and I hope this helps a lot of people, including myself for those days I feel a little down. (: Great video, I’ll work on a few of my own bothersome thoughts during my next meditation.

  10. scoliogurl says:

    Great post, I like your accent!

  11. Hi there! I really enjoy your blog and have nominated it for the ” Inspiring Blog” Award! If you decide to accept the award, please visit
    Best, Tiny

  12. scoliogurl says:

    Reblogged this on Scoliogurl and commented:
    Great blog post!!!!

  13. Hi — This is a lovely blog and looking forward to receiving your posts. Thanks for stopping by my blog. Andrea

  14. Thank you for sharing with us. I hope you can reach many people along their lifesjourney.

  15. Hi, I have nominated you for the LOVELY BLOG AWARD. Congrats… PSRegards Leanne. Should you need more info please go to my site and keep up the good work.

  16. mixedupmeme says:

    I find I can usually talk my way out of anything……..if I talk long enough and loud enough and smile a lot. 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂

  17. i have been listening to and reading your blog/videos while i am beading and i find myself in tears. you said it would be hard and it is hard to examine one’s self from the outside without getting emotional. to get to the root of some of our misconceptions about ourselves is necessary if we are to change the way we view ourself but gosh! it hurts and it makes me laugh and it makes me ask myself why why – but then i am thankful that i found my way to your messages for you are making a difference. i think you are the first person that really HAS made a difference Ido – and I thank you. i thank you over and over…..

    • I couldn’t agree with you more

      • Sorry, I hit a wrong button somehow 🙂

        Anyway, I agree that it can be so hard to really take a look at ourselves and SEE. I made a bracelet to remind me of what I have to be thankful for, and I have three beads strung together to represent Self: who I Think I am, who I AM and who I Want to be. They’re three copies of the same bead, because all of those versions of myself blend together in my mind sometimes, where I can’t always tell them apart.

        But who I think I am is not always who I Really am. It can be incredibly difficult to face that fact, to look at my life – and not “look through it”, as Ido says – and really see how I speak, act, think… It’s one thing to know you’re lazy, for example. I know this about myself. It’s quite another to think you’re a pretty decent and nice person, and then to realize that you don’t actually go out of your way to do nice things – to support others or cheer them on. It can be tough to truly examine your life and find yourself lacking.

        But, it’s the only way to improve! Truly see yourself and take steps to change. It’s excellent to have resources like Ido, who are willing to share their journeys and insights with us!

    • Ido Lanuel says:

      That makes me SO happy to know.
      Thank u so much.

      Good luck in this, it is hard but VERY worth it.

      Peace & Love 🙂

  18. Great stuff bro, I look forward to reading more of your posts in the future

  19. I totally get the concept of the circles. Its like I literally feel my brain becomes a machine that’s stuck and just keeps whirring.

  20. Hi Ido, would you mind if I transcribed some of the video to share your words on my blog? (with full credit, or course, and a link back here and to your You Tube channel.)

  21. I really enjoyed this! You have a beautiful spirit and I look forward to reading/watching more of your work. I’d love to hear your thoughts on my video about setting intention. Namaste!


  23. lazypuffhead says:

    I wish I could practice what you preach! .. very wise … are you a Kabbalist btw? 🙂

  24. […] How to overcome ANYTHING. […]

  25. This was beautiful. Thanks for sharing!

  26. coastalmom says:

    I loved actually getting to know you better through your video. Thank you for sharing!

  27. Since everyone has already mentioned how brilliant you are, I’ll just come out and mention how ATTRACTIVE you are! 🙂

  28. Stéphane says:

    I love your spirit and your message! Please continue sharing your great ideas and posts!!

  29. […] How to overcome ANYTHING. […]

  30. escadachic says:

    great video.

    Very insightful.

    Thank you 🙂

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